Valencia CF13 April 2021

VCF and Per Amor a l’Art Foundation surprise Luisa

“Actions of this kind make Valencia CF a significant institution committed to inclusion within the city of València”


 Luisa is a diehard Valenciansita and a devoted Carlos Soler fan and thus, our captain, did not want to miss the chance to give her a big surprise so that she can have what she has been dreaming of, a Carlos Soler signed shirt.  The best-ever present.


Luisa attends classes at Per Amor a l’ART Foundation, Roberto Simón, said “for Luisa is a really nice and motivating gesture which motivates her to keep on attending the Foundation and enjoy actions of this kind which make Valencia CF a significant institution committed to inclusiveness within the city of València.

Valencia CF ambassador, Ricardo Arias wanted to hand it over in person to Luisa at the Per Amor a l’ART Foundation. She was emotional and taken aback by the surprise, so much so that Luisa could only intone Amunt València! Which goes to show that the Valencianismo is running through her veins.

From the social area, they are tasked with putting together different schedules and dynamics so they all have the same chances of inclusion, said Roberto Simón, Luisa’s sisters wanted to be present and take part in the surprise.  

Copyright 2013-2024 Valencia CF. The use of the editorial content of the article is permitted as long as the source gets the credit and contains the following link: Photographs by Lázaro de la Peña, reuse is not permitted.

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